Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Order of the Puff Pastry

That silence you hear?  That would be me missing my cue. 

It's true that I had been chomping at the bit for Cynthia to write something (anything really) so that I could regail you all with my (now long ago) attempted creation of Cornish Pasties.  And I'm sure I would have been right here doing that if only I had a quick notes quill that took dictation directly from my brain.

Somebody should really get to work on inventing that.  But not me.  I'm already behind enough as it is.

Truth be told, the Cornish Pasties didn't go so well. Honestly, I think that any recipe involving rutabega is probably doomed from the start. I should have listened to my gut on that one, seeing as there were recipes out there that didn't call for that horrible root.  I wonder if it's a relative of the mandrake.

Wouldn't you know though, those Hufflepuffs are on to something.  Not so recently now, I took another stab at food in the pasty arena.  But this time, I gleaned wisdom from the New York Times food section and used puff pastry for the crust.  OMG.  I'm pretty sure that puff pastry changed my life.  It's so... puffy. And completely delectable. It saved the fact that the innards of this particular recipe were actually a bit bland (which was probably my fault.  We ground our own pork and didn't really pay attention to how much we ground.  So there was a lot left over once all the puff pastries were filled and the spices were not quite proportional to the meat). Puff pastry might just save the world. I bet it would survive a killing curse and everything.

That said, I can't just go making every HP recipe with puff pastry. (Or can I? Puff pastry treacle tart anyone?) But I think that some outside inspiration would be exceedingly helpful to get this blog back off the ground. What do YOU all think Cindy and I should tackle?


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