My last post was in... in... September. ::gasp:: My wand ought to be snapped in half and I should be carted off to Azkaban.
In my defense (but only slightly), I am finishing up a master's program and recently completed harder-than-N.E.W.T.-level exams. (To Hermione's approval, I might add.) But this blog has suffered in the meantime and for that, I will contritely serve detention by manually polishing all the silver in the Trophy Room. Or hang by my thumbs in the dungeon, should I be serving my detention with Filch.
In 2011, however, I will solemnly swear that I am up to no good... I mean, I will solemnly swear that I will cook and post and share our Potter-ly epicurios more frequently than, say, once every three months.
This year, I also received as a Christmas gift a copy of The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook (courtesy of Karen over at Living with Passion!) Now, now - before I am accused of cheating, let me say that I fully intend to go forth with our original intent - to recreate our versions of wizarding recipes in the Muggle world. But why re-invent the twelve uses of dragon's blood when Dumbledore's already discovered them, you know? I promise to use the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook only for inspiration; the recipes here will still be our own.
With that, I yield the floor to Chrissie, who has been champing at the bit to share her latest creations with you.
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