Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fan Profile: Stephanie M

Name & Age: Stephanie & wise. Or 28 if you prefer.

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Where do you live now? Santa Barbara, CA

Hogwarts House: I'd want to be in Gryffindor, but I'd probably be put in Ravenclaw.
Why's that? Because I am more creative than I am brave.
Interesting. Why would you prefer Gryffindor then? Because I always liked that the strongest characters came from that house, the ones who made a difference. And I love the lion mascot and the colors

So who's your favorite character? Longbottom. :) I think that he is one of the best developed characters, and I love the actor they chose to play him in the movies. I also love any character that's the underdog and comes back to help with the whole thing in the end.

How did you get started reading the series? I think it started at Central Washington University, my roommate at the time and her boyfriend were really into them and I thought they were dorks, since they are kids books (at least in that section at the store). Somehow I read one and then I had to read the others. I eventually purchased all the books in hardback once I worked at Borders.
7 books is a long series. What made you stick with it? I always finish what I start  and of course, I HAD to know how it ended. JK Rowling made me NEED to know how the characters developed, the mischief they got into, and how in the world they were going to solve this seemingly impossible task. My favorite parts were the type of magic she invented for the stories.

What's your favorite Harry Potter moment? Okay, that's just a mean question! Top two moments (just because I'm difficult:
(1) When Harry goes into the lake to save Fleur's sister even though he is not supposed to
(2)  Longbottom's role in the final fight at the end of book 7

You're awfully fond of Neville. What would you say to him if you met him in real life? The actor or the character? Either.  I guess I would ask the actor if he had read the books beforehand and knew his role would increase. I'd like to know if he would have liked to get cast as a different character. What about Neville? What if her were real? I would ask him  how it felt to lose his parents, did it impact his choices in life? Did their deaths encourage him to fight against the dark arts? What were his feelings towards Bellatrix? How did he improve his magic skills? When did he decide to have confidence in himself (last book) vs coming across as more insecure previously?

Given your appreciation for the characters, did the story have an impact on your life (silly, serious, or otherwise)? Yes, I liked being able to see into different characters lives, you never know what battles someone's going through even if they seem composed on the outside. I'm glad I gave myself the chance to read a "kids" book and appreciate it for the talented writing. I think too many people judge a book based on the age group it is "supposed" to be for.

Long term, I feel like so many of my goals are so out-there, unattainable, I'd like to think if they can kill Voldemort, I can be a princiapl piccoloist in a symphony. :)

What’s your favorite class at Hogwarts? Transfiguration. For me, the basis of magic is changing the essence of something, being able to transform an object into something different would take so much concentration/ skill. Anyone can learn to fly but not everyone could learn to accurately transfigure something.

What would your patronus be? A Lion. You still sure you wouldn't be a Gryffindor? :) *laughs* I would want to be, but I think they would put the more artsy people in a different house. You never know what the sorting hat might see! Which is why I fully support starting an actual Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft!

What would you order off the trolley? The chocolate frogs, which is funny because I hate being surprised and they would probably freak me out.

Owl, cat, or toad? I love cats but I think there is something regal about the owls. And it would have to be white.

If you could change one thing about the books, what would it be? More quidditch, FOR SURE.
Every chapter, every book, more more more!

Are you on the web?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fan Profile: Letty Limbach

Name & Age: Letty Limbach, 26

Hometown: Pocatello, Idaho

Where do you live now? Ballard
You say Ballard, not Seattle. Are you one of those "Free-Ballard" types? *laughs* No, although the dedication at the clock tower is pretty funny.

Hogwarts House: I'd like to be in Gryffindor, but I would probably be in Ravenclaw. I tended to be a rather bookish child.

How did you start reading the series? I was at my cousin's house in 8th grade and they were all reading it and talking about how awesome it was, so I tried it and enjoyed it quite a lot.

Did you ever dress up for a book or movie release?Yes, I was a student from Beauxbatons for the 4th movie premiere and Narcissa Malfoy for the last book release. It's tough having blonde hair in the Harry Potter universe. I have a theory that JK Rowling doesn't like blondes.
What? Why? Well, Luna is awesome, but crazy, Fleur is super annoying (although I guess she gets a bit better later in the series) and then you have the Malfoys.

I see. Who's your favorite character then? Remus Lupin. He was really the only effective Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He's also a down and out character who's awesome nonetheless - very thoughtful and generous, in addition to being totally kickass. I was sad to see him mostly disappear after the third book. When he did appear again, he was different somehow - less awesome, rather angsty, and a bit self-pitying (understandable, but inconsistent with his character in the third book), and then he arbitrarily dies at the end.
I've read that J.K. Rowling decided to have Lupin & Tonks die because she couldn't bring herself to kill Arthur Weasley. Seriously?  I must confess that I would have preferred that.  I also always felt like she should have killed off Percy instead of Fred-it would have been a perfect redemptive death for him.  Although, to be completely honest, I don't like any characters dying. I'm definitely the happy-ending type.
Does that mean you liked the epilogue? NO.

What was your favorite Harry Potter Moment? When Snape passes his memories to Harry as he's dying.  You finally get why you kind of love him in spite of everything... and the entire third book!

The Quibbler or The Daily Prophet? The Daily Prophet, definitely.

What would you order off the Trolley? Chocolate Frogs, for the trading cards.

What would your patronus be? The Abominable Snowman because he is a gentle giant just like me :)

Which character did you love to hate? Snape. He's a very complex character, but he's also such a jerk through a lot of the series. He can be so cruel for no reason, though the cruelty is often petty rather than anything more serious.  I think I got so frustrated with him because I knew, deep down, that he was a good person.  I never questioned his loyalty. It would have been too easy for him to be that kind of character.

What's your favorite class at Hogwarts? Maybe Potions... but then, I'd probably dislike Snape as a teacher. So then it would be Defense Against the Dark Arts under Lupin. Though Transfiguration sounds fun too and Professor McGonagall is amazing. Or if Quidditch was a class...
Wouldn't we all love Quidditch to be a class? What position would you play? Well, I would want to play seeker...I like to go fast, but I'm not sure I'd have the hand/eye coordination :P

Owl, Cat, or Toad? Ooh, owls are really useful as messagers, so I'll have to go with that for practicality, although cats are cuddley and fluffy, which would also be highly useful...

Did the stories have any impact on your life? Well, they caused me to make a couple of costumes... and to carve my own wand!

Why do so many people love Harry Potter? J.K. Rowling wrote characters that you can really form an attachment to. And the story of good versus evil/hero's journey tends to be universally appealing.  Something of the serendipitous "right time/right place" may have factored into it as well.  Ultimately, though, she does tell a good yarn :)

Do you have a question about the story that was never answered? Under the influence of previous profiles, I'd second the question about how Sirius died.  Wispy veils with voices?  There's gotta be something more to it than that...

If you could change one thing about the books, what would it be? I'm not sure how, but I would have liked it if some of the secondary characters could have gotten more space and development as many of seemed more interesting/complex/unique than the primary ones.  She would introduce great characters but then just scratch the surface.  I was left wanting quite a bit: Luna, Neville, Tonks, Lupin, even the Malfoys...

And of course, I would leave out the epilogue.

Are you on the web? I am!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fan Profile: Alicia Hall

Name & Age: Alicia Hall, 24? errr... 34.

Hometown:  Eureka, CA

Where you live now:  Seatown... aka Seattle, WA

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Favorite Character: Sirius, while he was around. Otherwise Luna.

How did you start reading the series? I was looking for a book to read during lockdown at the jail (my job to put me through college) and my best friend/coworker gave me her book.
7 books is a long series. What made you stick with it? Honestly, I had my doubts until the third book...and the appearance of Sirius.  Then I was hooked.  There was something so magical (no pun intended) in getting swept up in the fervor.  A side bar:  I was (and am) that child who had to read every book written in a series or by an author. So I couldn't just abandon the series.  My inner child would not allow it. :)

What’s your favorite HP moment? Too many to list, so I'll give a couple small moments...when Buckbeack bites Draco...and the introduction of Luna...when Harry and Luna talk about seeing the horses of the "horseless carriages" Or perhaps in the book when Fawkes mourns Dumbledore and then flies into the coffin...such a sad poignant moment

And well, I'm a Fawkes fan.

What would your patronus be? A phoenix... rising from the ashes. :)

The Quibbler or The Daily Prophet? The Daily Prophet

What would you order off the trolley? Chocolate frogs... duh!

Which character did you love to hate? Draco

What’s your favorite class at Hogwarts and why? Probably ANY history class...I love history.
Even if you were going to be taught by a droll, boring ghost? Okay... maybe not. ;)
History is such a... muggle topic after all. Aren't you interested in the MAGIC?? Of course...history of magic??!  Good Enough for Hermione, no? Are we about to get in a Mud blood smack down here? ;)
Of course not! Though speaking of... how do you feel like the stories did with touching on real-world issues like discrimination? I thought the discrimination portion with the mud blood issue was nicely done, while the house elf slavery was a bit distracting from the story and completely lost in the movies.

Why do you think so many people love Harry Potter? What's not to love?  A great story of good triumphing over evil...wrapped up in a magical tale.  Why do people love the Tolkien books so much?
Would you say that this series is at the same level of greatness as The Lord of the Rings then? Well, let's be fair....The writing in LOTR is much different, and was never meant, I believe, for school children.  So, that far as magical story sure.

Do you have a question about the story that was never answered? What WAS the doorway that Sirius fell through...and why they could hear voices through the doorway?

If you could change one thing about the books what would it be?  The epilogue should never have been added. It is in the writing style of the first book...and a made for movie moment. The book was just fine ending in "present time".

And... don't hate me, but I think Harry should have died. Both halves too powerful to exist together, but they balance good and evil. It would have made the sacrifice all the better.

Are you on the web? Does facebook count?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fan Profile: Ken Jacobsen

Instrument builder and sustainable energy guru by day, master wandmaker by night. A witch simply isn't complete without her wand, so who better to start our journey through delectable details of Harry's devotees than the crafter of the wand that chose yours truely? A 12 inch creation of purple heart wood with a unicorn hair core, it is superbly swishy and would be wonderful for charms... if only I were particularly adept at them myself. All in due time, I suppose.

But this isn't about me today, this is our first of hopefully many peeks into the fascinating forays of the Harry Potter fandom. So let us begin with Ken!

Name & Age: Ken Jacobson, 33.

Hometown: Lake Oswego, OR.

Where do you live now? West Seattle.

What Hogwarts House would you be sorted into? Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.

Who's your favorite character? Luna Lovegood (I have a serious crush - on BOOK Luna, not MOVIE Luna!)

How did you get start reading the series? I was traveling through Germany in 2002 and I finished the Kurt Vonnegut book I had, so I went to the book store in the train station - HP (and the PHILOSOPHER'S stone) was one of two books in English.  I had heard good things, so I picked it up.  I was instantly hooked.  I picked up Chamber of Secrets a couple days later.

What’s your favorite Harry Potter moment? The time turner.

What would your patronus be? A slow loris.

The Quibbler or The Daily Prophet? The Daily Prophet.

What would you order off the trolley? Chocolate frogs.  lots of them.

Did you trust Snape? Why or why not? Yes.  Dumbledore trusted him.

Did the story have an impact on your life? Good entertainment. It was exciting to read a series of books as they came out.  I liked the speculation with friends.  I enjoyed disappearing from the world the day a new book came out.

Which character did you love to hate? Snape.

Would you have an owl, a cat, or a toad? Cat

What’s your favorite class at Hogwarts and why? Defense Against the Dark Arts, but only if Lupin is teaching.  Otherwise Charms.

If you could change one thing about the books what would it be? I like the books the way they are, but I would change SO MUCH about the movies.

Are you on the web? No, just the facebook.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Rising from the Ashes

While pondering the bittersweet end to the bliss that the Harry Potter series has brought to the world, I glumly thought of the dreary section of cyberspace that the Butterbeer Chronicles has become. It's not that we don't have the best of intentions (I think someone mentioned something about paving a road to hell?) but we are rather limited in our time. Writing a blog post takes a small chunk of time, but creative cooking that may be happening with or without a recipe takes a LOT of time. So until I get my time-turner to start functioning and by extension be able to live in multple place at once every day, I fear that the cooking element of this blog is going to prove to be quite a roadblock.

But there's a lot more to the world of Harry Potter than food, right?

So I started considering what other morsels of magical information would be worthy of the Butterbeer Chronicles. I thought to look to my fellow fans for advice. But before I asked the question, it dawned on me - what better to write about than the fandom witches, wizards, muggles, and miscellanious beings themselves? Much like J.K. Rowling's new endeavor, Pottermore, suggests - we ARE the world of Harry Potter now. The next dark lord could be lurking in our midst. Beautiful blonde locks could be hiding a modern-day Veela. Or maybe we're just a bunch of wretched muggles who prefer to ignore the mundane simplicity of life by entrenching ourselves in the mystical possibilities of another. Regardless, we all have a story.

And it's my new mission to make sure those stories are told.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Order of the Puff Pastry

That silence you hear?  That would be me missing my cue. 

It's true that I had been chomping at the bit for Cynthia to write something (anything really) so that I could regail you all with my (now long ago) attempted creation of Cornish Pasties.  And I'm sure I would have been right here doing that if only I had a quick notes quill that took dictation directly from my brain.

Somebody should really get to work on inventing that.  But not me.  I'm already behind enough as it is.

Truth be told, the Cornish Pasties didn't go so well. Honestly, I think that any recipe involving rutabega is probably doomed from the start. I should have listened to my gut on that one, seeing as there were recipes out there that didn't call for that horrible root.  I wonder if it's a relative of the mandrake.

Wouldn't you know though, those Hufflepuffs are on to something.  Not so recently now, I took another stab at food in the pasty arena.  But this time, I gleaned wisdom from the New York Times food section and used puff pastry for the crust.  OMG.  I'm pretty sure that puff pastry changed my life.  It's so... puffy. And completely delectable. It saved the fact that the innards of this particular recipe were actually a bit bland (which was probably my fault.  We ground our own pork and didn't really pay attention to how much we ground.  So there was a lot left over once all the puff pastries were filled and the spices were not quite proportional to the meat). Puff pastry might just save the world. I bet it would survive a killing curse and everything.

That said, I can't just go making every HP recipe with puff pastry. (Or can I? Puff pastry treacle tart anyone?) But I think that some outside inspiration would be exceedingly helpful to get this blog back off the ground. What do YOU all think Cindy and I should tackle?
